Alpha Audit
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Smart contract security audit report Commit hash: 8a90f1ebe7db93ad70de16438d4d8896626f5b3d (old) ed619924dcceb8d62f2d15f51670befa5bcf548f (Lasted) Start Date: 2021.07.05
Audit Team: Beosin (Chengdu LianAn) Technology Co. Ltd.
Audit Categories and Results:
Coding Conventions
Compiler Version Security
Deprecated Items
Redundant Code
SafeMath Features
require/assert Usage
Gas Consumption
Visibility Specifiers
Fallback Usage
General Vulnerability
Integer Overflow/Underflow
Pseudo-random Number Generator (PRNG)
Transaction-Ordering Dependence
DoS (Denial of Service)
Access Control of Owner
Low-level Function (call/delegatecall) Security
Returned Value Security
tx.origin Usage
Replay Attack
Overriding Variables
Business Security
Business Logics
Business Implementations
The final interpretation of this statement belongs to Beosin (Chengdu LianAn).
Audit Results Explained:
Beosin (Chengdu LianAn) Technology has used several methods including Formal Verification, Static Analysis, Typical Case Testing and Manual Review to audit three major aspects of smart contracts project OnxAlpha, including Coding Standards, Security, and Business Logic. The OnxAlpha project passed all audit items. The overall result is Pass. The smart contract is able to function properly.
Check the code style that does not conform to Solidity code style.
Compiler Version Security
Description: Check whether the code implementation of current contract contains the exposed solidity compiler bug.
Result: Pass
Deprecated Items
Description: Check whether the current contract has the deprecated items.
Result: Pass
Redundant Code
Description: Check whether the contract code has redundant codes.
Result: Pass
SafeMath Features
Description: Check whether the SafeMath has been used. Or prevents the integer overflow/underflow in mathematical operation.
Result: Pass
require/assert Usage
Description: Check the use reasonability of 'require' and 'assert' in the contract.
Result: Pass
Gas Consumption
Description: Check whether the gas consumption exceeds the block gas limitation.
Result: Pass
Visibility Specifiers
Description: Check whether the visibility conforms to design requirement.
Result: Pass
Fallback Usage
Description: Check whether the Fallback function has been used correctly in the current contract.
Result: Pass
Check whether the general vulnerabilities exist in the contract.
Integer Overflow/Underflow
Description: Check whether there is an integer overflow/underflow in the contract and the calculation result is abnormal.
Result: Pass
Description: An issue when code can call back into your contract and change state, such as withdrawing ETH.
Result: Pass
Pseudo-random Number Generator (PRNG)
Description: Whether the results of random numbers can be predicted.
Result: Pass
Transaction-Ordering Dependence
Description: Whether the final state of the contract depends on the order of the transactions.
Result: Pass
DoS (Denial of Service)
Description: Whether exist DoS attack in the contract which is vulnerable because of unexpected reason.
Result: Pass
Access Control of Owner
Description: Whether the owner has excessive permissions, such as malicious issue, modifying the balance of others.
Result: Pass
Low-level Function (call/delegatecall) Security
Description: Check whether the usage of low-level functions like call/delegatecall have vulnerabilities.
Result: Pass
Returned Value Security
Description: Check whether the function checks the return value and responds to it accordingly.
Result: Pass
tx.origin Usage
Description: Check the use secure risk of 'tx.origin' in the contract.
Result: Pass
Replay Attack
Description: Check whether the implement possibility of Replay Attack exists in the contract.
Result: Pass
Overriding Variables
Description: Check whether the variables have been overridden and lead to wrong code execution.
Result: Pass
The main business contracts of the project are AlphaStrategy, OnxAlphaVault, Controller, TAlphaToken and the rest of the contracts mainly implement the initialization of basic parameters. Only the main business contract logic is detailed below.
Business analysis of contract token TAlphaToken
Basic Token Information
Token name
Token symbol
Initial is 0, mint without cap
Token type
ERC20 Token Standard Functions
Description: The token contract implements a token which conforms to the ERC20 Standards. It should be noted that the user can directly call the approve function to set the approval value for the specified address, but in order to avoid multiple authorizations, it is recommended to use the increaseAllowance and decreaseAllowance functions when modifying the approval value instead of using the approve function directly.
Related functions: name, symbol, decimals, totalSupply, balanceOf, allowance, transfer, transferFrom, approve, increaseAllowance, decreaseAllowance
Result: Pass
mint and burn functions
Description: The contract implements the mint function for minting a specified number of tokens to a specified address; the burn function for destroying tokens at a specified address; and the setMinter function for giving minter permissions to a specified address. Note: the burn function has excessive permissions, and according to the contract design, the owner permissions should be handed over to the control contract immediately after deployment.
Figure 1 source code of related functions
Repair result: Ignore, the project team said this is simply a dummy token which is deposited on behalf the user using the vault contract into the onxFarm contract, representing their share in SLP tokens. It is mintable or burnable ultimately only from our vault contract. Burned after the user withdraws their SLP token which is in the logic.
Related functions: mint, burn, setMinter
Result: Pass
Business analysis of Contract OnxAlphaVault
Description: The contract implements the initialize function to initialize the basic parameters of the contract, which can only be done once.
Figure 2 source code of initialize
Related functions: initialize, _ERC20_init, _setupDecimals
Result: Pass
Basic Token Information
Token name
alpha_XX (symbol of underlying token)
Token symbol
alphaXX (symbol of underlying token)
Same as underlying token
Initial is 0, mint without cap
Token type
Table 2 Basic Token Information
ERC20 Token Standard Functions
Description: The token contract implements a token which conforms to the ERC20 Standards. It should be noted that the user can directly call the approve function to set the approval value for the specified address, but in order to avoid multiple authorizations, it is recommended to use the increaseAllowance and decreaseAllowance functions when modifying the approval value instead of using the approve function directly.
Related functions: name, symbol, decimals, totalSupply, balanceOf, allowance, transfer, transferFrom, approve, increaseAllowance, decreaseAllowance
Result: Pass
setStrategy function
Description: The contract implements the setStrategy function to set the address of the strategy contract, requiring the underlying tokens and vault addresses within the strategy contract address to match those of the contract. Calling the internal function _setStrategy to set the strategy contract address will set the underlying token authorization value of this contract to the maximum value for the strategy contract. Only the controller or governor of the contract is available.
Figure 3 source code of setStrategy
Related functions: setStrategy safeApprove, _setStrategy
Result: Pass
stake by gov functions
Description: The controller or governor of the contract is free to call the following functions to complete response operations in the policy contract.
Related functions: invest, stakeOnsenFarm, stakeSushiBar, stakeOnxFarm, stakeOnx
Result: Pass
stake by user function
Description: Anyone can call the following functions to complete the relevant operations through the policy contract, it is not possible to specify specific functions individually, only simultaneously.
Figure 5 source code of stake functions
Related functions: doHardWork, doHardWorkXSushi, doHardWorkSOnx, invest, stakeOnsenFarm, stakeSushiBar, stakeOnxFarm, stakeOnx
Result: Pass
rebalance function
Description: The contract implements the rebalance function to withdraw all the funds in the strategy contract before calling invest to send it.
Figure 6 source code of rebalance
Related functions: rebalance, withdrawAll, invest
Result: Pass
deposit functions
Description: The contract implements the deposit function for the user to pledge a specified number of underlying tokens to this contract, and the depositFor function for the user to pledge a specified number of underlying tokens to this contract for others. A certain number of alpha tokens will be calculated and minted for the user or holder.
Figure 7 source code of deposit and depositFor
Related functions: deposit, depositFor
Result: Pass
withdraw functions
Description: The contract implements the withdrawAll function for the controller or governance to pull all tokens into this contract via the policy contract. withdraw function is used for the user to pull the specified number of tokens from this contract to the caller's address, will calculate and destroy a certain number of alpha tokens for the caller. If the strategy contract is configured, the doHardWork function will be executed once before the withdrawal and a fee of 1/1000 will be calculated and charged.
Figure 9 source code of withdraw
Related functions: withdrawAll, withdrawAllToVault, updateAccPerShare, withdrawReward, totalSupply, withdrawToVault, underlyingBalanceWithInvestment, underlyingBalanceInVault, safeTransfer
Result: Pass
query functions
Description: The contract implements a number of query functions to look up information about the contract's parameters.
Related functions: shouldUpgrade, strategy, underlying, underlyingUnit, nextImplementation, nextImplementationTimestamp, nextImplementationDelay, underlyingBalanceInVault, underlyingBalanceWithInvestment, underlyingBalanceWithInvestmentForHolder
Result: Pass
Business analysis of Contract AlphaStrategy
initialize function
Description: The contract implements the initializeAlphaStrategy function for initializing the basic information of the strategy contract, which can only be initialized once. The required underlying tokens must correspond to the lp token address of the slpRewardPool.
Figure 10 source code of initializeAlphaStrategy
Related functions: initializeAlphaStrategy, initialize, poolInfo
Result: Pass
fee function
Description: The contract implements the setKeepFee function for the governance of the contract to set the fee and the maximum fee. fee must not exceed the maximum fee and the maximum fee must be greater than 0.
Figure 11 source code of setKeepFee
Related functions: setKeepFee
Result: Pass
salvage function
Description: The contract implements a salvage function for the contract's governance to extract other ERC20 tokens mistakenly sent to the contract to the specified address. (onx, stakedonx, sushi, underlying tokens cannot be withdrawn)
Figure 12 source code of salvage
Related functions: salvage
Result: Pass
updateAccPerShare function
Description: The contract implements the updateAccPerShare function for vault contract update reward related parameters. This is achieved by calling the internal functions updateAccSOnxPerShare and updateAccXSushiPerShare.
Figure 13 source code of updateAccPerShare
Related functions: updateAccPerShare, updateAccSOnxPerShare, updateAccXSushiPerShare
Result: Pass
updateUserRewardDebts function
Description: The contract implements the updateUserRewardDebts function for vault contracts to update the collateral rewards for a given user.
Figure 14 source code of updateUserRewardDebts
Related functions: updateUserRewardDebts
Result: Pass
withdrawReward function
Description: The contract implements the withdrawReward function for the vault contract to calculate and send the reward to the specified user, which will calculate the fee and send it to the treasury address.
Figure 15 source code of withdrawReward
Related functions: withdrawReward, balanceOf, safeTransfer
Result: Pass
emergencyExit function
Description: The contract implements the emergencyExit function for the contract's governance to urgently withdraw all lp tokens from the specified collateral pool and will suspend invest.
Figure 16 source code of emergencyExit
Related functions: emergencyExit, emergencyExitSLPRewardPool, _setPausedInvesting
Result: Pass
continueInvesting function
Description: The contract implements the continueInvesting function for the contract's governance to resume the invest state.
Figure 17 source code of continueInvesting
Related functions: continueInvesting
Result: Pass
withdraw to vault function
Description: The contract implements the withdrawAllToVault function to withdraw all the underlying tokens from the corresponding slpRewardPool before withdrawing all the tokens from this contract to the vault contract. withdrawToVault is used to withdraw a specified number of underlying tokens to the vault contract. If the current balance is insufficient, a portion of the slpRewardPool will be calculated and withdrawn from the slpRewardPool. Both functions are only available to vault contracts, contract governors or controllers.
Figure 18 source code of withdrawAllToVault and withdrawToVault
Related functions: withdrawAllToVault, withdrawToVault, exitSLPRewardPool, safeTransfer, balanceOf, slpRewardPoolBalance, slpPoolId
Result: Pass
stake function
Description: The contract implements the stakeOnsenFarm function to pledge the underlying tokens in this contract to the slpRewardPool; the stakeSushiBar function to first withdraw 0 to get reward tokens from the slpRewardPool and then pledge the sushi tokens in this contract to the sushiBar's The stakeOnxFarm function is used to pledge tAlpha tokens from this contract to the onxFarmRewardPool (the first pledge will mint the same number of tAlpha tokens as the underlying tokens in the vault contract to this contract); the stakeOnx function is used to first extract 0 tAlpha tokens from the onxFarmRewardPool to get reward tokens and pledge them to the onxFarmRewardPool. The stakeSushiBar and stakeOnx functions do not execute the pledge to SushiBar if the contract's sushi and onx tokens do not meet the response conditions pool.
Figure 20 source code of stake functions (2/2)
Related functions: stakeOnsenFarm, stakeSushiBar, stakeOnxFarm, stakeOnx, enterSLPRewardPool, claimSLPRewardPool, enter, _enterOnxFarmRewardPool, _claimXSushiRewardPool, safeApprove, balanceOf
Result: Pass
exit function
Description: The contract implements the exitOnxFarmRewardPool function for extracting the tAlpha tokens pledged in onxFarmRewardPool and destroying an equal number of tAlpha tokens in this contract.
Figure 21 source code of exitOnxFarmRewardPool function
Related functions: exitOnxFarmRewardPool, _onxFarmRewardPoolBalance, withdraw, burn
Result: Pass
set sell functions
Description: The contract implements the setSell function for the governance of the contract to set the sell state; the setSellFloor function for the governance of the contract to set the lower limit on the number of sells. stakeSushiBar and stakeOnx functions have subsequent pledge operations only when the sell state is true and the number of pledges is greater than sellFloor.
Figure 22 source code of setSell and setSellFloor
Related functions: setSell, setSellFloor
Result: Pass
setOnxTreasuryFundAddress function
Description: The contract implements the setOnxTreasuryFundAddress function for the governance of the contract to set the treasury address for receiving fees.
Figure 23 source code of setOnxTreasuryFundAddress
Related functions: setOnxTreasuryFundAddress
Result: Pass
query functions
Description: The contract implements a number of query functions to look up information about the contract's parameters.
Related functions: unsalvagableTokens, pendingReward, pendingXSushi, pendingXSushiOfUser, pendingSOnxOfUser, slpPoolId, onxFarmRewardPoolId, pendingRewardOfUser, investedUnderlyingBalance
Result: Pass
Business analysis of Contract Controller
hardworker functions
Description: The contract implements the addHardWorker function for the contract's governance to grant hardWorker privileges to the specified address; the removeHardWorker function for the contract's governance to revoke hardWorker privileges to the specified address.
Figure 24 source code of addHardWorker and removeHardWorker
Related functions: addHardWorker, removeHardWorker
Result: Pass
greyList functions
Description: The contract implements the addToGreyList function for the contract's governance to add the specified address to the grey list; the removeFromGreyList function for the contract's governance to remove the specified address from the grey list. Only contract addresses in the grey list will be affected to some extent and the deposit and depositFor functions of the vault contract cannot be executed.
Figure 25 source code of addToGreyList and removeFromGreyList
Related functions: addToGreyList, removeFromGreyList
Result: Pass
addVaultAndStrategy functions
Description: The contract implements the addVaultAndStrategy function for the contract's governance settings to bind the specified vault contract to the strategy contract. It is required that the address is not 0 and that the vault contract is not bound.
Figure 26 source code of addVaultAndStrategy
Related functions: addVaultAndStrategy, setStrategy
Result: Pass
stake functions
Description: The contract implements the stakeOnsenFarm, stakeSushiBar, stakeOnxFarm, stakeOnx
functions for the hardWorker or governance to call the functions of the vault contract for pledging.
Figure 27 source code of stake functions
Related functions: stakeOnsenFarm, stakeSushiBar, stakeOnxFarm, stakeOnx
Result: Pass
salvage functions
Description: The contract implements the salvage function for the governance of the contract to send the specified ERC20 tokens mistakenly sent to this contract to the governance address; the salvageStrategy function for the governance to send the ERC20 tokens mistakenly sent to the specified strategy contract to the governance address is implemented by calling the salvage function in the strategy contract, and business-related tokens cannot be withdrawn.
Figure 28 source code of salvage functions
Related functions: salvage, salvageStrategy
Result: Pass
Beosin(ChengduLianAn) conducted a detailed audit on the design and code implementation of the smart contracts project OnxAlpha. The problems found by the audit team during the audit process have been notified to the project party and reached an agreement on the repair results, the overall audit result of the OnxAlpha project's smart contract is Pass.
Disclaimer: This report is made in response to the project code. No description, expression or wording in this report shall be construed as an endorsement, affirmation or confirmation of the project. This audit is only applied to the type of auditing specified in this report and the scope of given in the results table. Other unknown security vulnerabilities are beyond auditing responsibility. Beosin (Chengdu LianAn) Technology only issues this report based on the attacks or vulnerabilities that already existed or occurred before the issuance of this report. For the emergence of new attacks or vulnerabilities that exist or occur in the future, Beosin (Chengdu LianAn) Technology lacks the capability to judge its possible impact on the security status of smart contracts, thus taking no responsibility for them. The security audit analysis and other contents of this report are based solely on the documents and materials that the contract provider has provided to Beosin (Chengdu LianAn) Technology before the issuance of this report, and the contract provider warrants that there are no missing, tampered, deleted; if the documents and materials provided by the contract provider are missing, tampered, deleted, concealed or reflected in a situation that is inconsistent with the actual situation, or if the documents and materials provided are changed after the issuance of this report, Beosin (Chengdu LianAn) Technology assumes no responsibility for the resulting loss or adverse effects. The audit report issued by Beosin (Chengdu LianAn) Technology is based on the documents and materials provided by the contract provider, and relies on the technology currently possessed by Beosin (Chengdu LianAn). Due to the technical limitations of any organization, this report conducted by Beosin (Chengdu LianAn) still has the possibility that the entire risk cannot be completely detected. Beosin (Chengdu LianAn) disclaims any liability for the resulting losses.
Table 1 Basic Token Information
Figure 4 source code of related functions
Figure 8 source code of withdrawAll
Figure 19 source code of stake functions (1/2)
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